Showing God’s Love in a Tangible Way
A Local Ministry with a Global Mission

From Nigeria to Cameroon, Haiti to Uganda, Dominica to Burundi, Rwanda to Tanzania, Congo, Kenya, Sierra Leone, Canada and within the United States of America, our goal continues to be to walk through the doors of the nations God has given us access to as we do our part to build the Kingdom of God here on earth.
Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.
Worship Celebration
Sunday @ 11:00am ET (USA) The Lord’s Supper every first Sunday
Morning Encounter with Elohim
Monday @ 6am ET (USA) Facebook Live - Norma Fontaine Philbert YouTube - Norma Fontaine Philbert
Corporate Prayer & Fasting Daniel’s Fast (click here) Tuesday @ 6am to 6pm ET (USA)
Intercessory Prayer
Tuesday @ 8:00pm ET (USA) ID: 620 587 1850 - PW: PRAYER
Midweek ReFuel
Wednesday @ 7:00pm ET (USA) Facebook Live - Norma Fontaine Philbert YouTube - Norma Fontaine Philbert
I am so glad that you’ve taken the time to stop by and visit this site. I pray that as you scroll through the pages you will feel our passion for the Kingdom of God.
In an age where there are many distractions, it is my prayer that you will become “re-energized” to take your rightful place in God’s divine order.
This ministry sends a clear message of love, hope and healing to people around the world through Bible teaching, global missions and initiatives, empowerment conferences, humanitarian efforts, and my writings including the daily devotional – Fresh Bread.
Whether ministering domestically or internationally, it is my desire to see lives transformed by the Spirit of God and the power of His Word.
I would love to be able to help you on your journey. Contact me today.
For the Love of God!
Apostle Norma
A Word from our Apostle
Center for Christian Studies (CCS)
Content and training for our Garden of Grace Administrators and Leadership teams around the world.
Kingdom Impact Fellowship of Global Emissaries (KIFGE)
Video series, teaching, and content for our globally connected missionary churches
The In-Reach programs at Garden of Grace Ministries are designed to facilitate the holistic growth of our members and ministry partners.
Providing counsel from the Bible in order to develop a plan and strategy for victory while bringing glory to God.
PRAYER C.A.R.E. MINISTRY (Comfort, Aid, Relief and Emergency). We understand that when life throws us curve balls, it is comforting to know that someone will be there to pray with you and to remind you of what the Word of God has to say about your curcumstance.
PRE-MARRIAGE and MARRIAGE ENRICHMENT MINISTRY. We prepare engaged couples for marriage, as well as help couples who are already married strengthen or enhance their relationship. By appointment only.
Bringing men into an environment of active fellowship and spiritual growth.
Helping women see themselves through the eyes of Christ. Stay tuned for our annual Daughter’s of Grace Cruise Retreats!
This is an army in training, being equipped for combat! The mission of the Little Gardeners Children's Church is to Equip the children and youth, training them to walk and minister in the power of the Holy Spirit.
These classes are designed to help the new Convert as well as the more seasoned Believer grow in the Word in a small group setting.
This ministry caters to our virtual church who is as much a part of this ministry as is our local congregation. We meet at appointed times for Dinner by Zoom, Game Night, Business meetings etc.
It is not more bigness that should be our goal. We must attempt, rather, to bring people back to the warmth of community, to the worth of individual effort and responsibility, and of individuals working together as a community, to better their lives and their children’s future. Anonymous
Relationship Evangelism is the medium by which the GGM family spreads the Word - through lifestyle and deed. Evangelistic outreach at Garden of Grace Ministries is an integral aspect of the ministry that takes us out of the walls of the local church building.
Everything our church does is with outreach in mind!
Outreaches provide an atmosphere where people from all walks of life can experience the love of Jesus extended through ordinary people who care. This is Christianity in action. Enthusiastic, well-organized teams are impacting our 'Jerusalem, Samaria and the ends of the world'.
Living out the Great Commission calls for the collective effort of many people playing numerous roles, all working together to support the ministry to those God has called is to.
Throughout the years, God has opened and reversed the mind-set of His people concerning outreach. Originally people were geared to bringing the lost to the church, but effective outreach is bringing the church to the people.
The outreach programs at Garden of Grace Ministries not only meet the material needs of individuals but also their love needs. The heartbeat of outreach is demonstrating that God is Love by Showing His Love in a Tangible Way. These outreaches serve as vehicles to feed hungry people with the Word of God.

Until All Have Heard
Engaging - Equipping - Empowering
Garden of Grace Ministries affirms the definition of missions to be any evangelistic endeavor outside our immediate locale, focused on fulfilling the Great Commission by proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ, making disciples and gathering these disciples into local congregations.
Our efforts center on addressing their individual, spiritual, emotional, humanitarian and social needs.
We currently serve in SIERRA LEONE, UGANDA, HAITI, DOMINICA, BURUNDI, CONGO, TANZANIA, RWANDA & KENYA. We also have ministry partnerships in Cameroon and Nigeria.
As the Lord of the Harvest expands our borders, we humbly solicit the assistance of those with a similar passion, i.e. to reach the lost at any cost. Please contact us if you are led to be part of our expanding global missions outreach programs.
Norma Fontaine-Philbert is Senior Pastor of Garden of Grace Ministries GGM) based in Clearwater, FL and the General Overseer of Garden of Grace Ministries Global Inc – a conglomerate of ministries and para ministries in various regions of Africa, the Caribbean as well as the USA.
She is committed to raising, equipping, and empowering all people by teaching them the Biblical principles she strives to live by. She speaks frequently at churches, seminars, and conferences and has a heart for the hurting and destitute. She recognizes that her public platform affords her the privilege to make a significant difference in the lives of others.
She is the founder/director of the École Primaire Jardin de Grace (Garden of Grace Elementary School) - the ministry’s flagship outreach program in the nation of Haiti of nearly 200 students as well as the Center for Christian Studies with 11 campuses in Burundi, Congo, Tanzania, Kenya, Sierra Leone, Uganda, and Rwanda.
She oversees GGM’s outreach programs in the Commonwealth of Dominica, seven (7) Garden of Grace Ministries churches in Burundi and two (2) in Sierra Leone as well as the headquarters in Clearwater, Florida. She provides spiritual mentorship to church leaders on the US mainland as well as to political leaders.
Each year she spearheads several foreign missions’ initiatives, sharing the Gospel as well as aiding in the area of healthcare, education, and life empowerment skills under her missions umbrella - Kingdom Impact Fellowship of Global Emissaries.
Born in the United Kingdom, Apostle Norma is a Certified Mortgage Banker by secular profession. She was ordained to the pastoral ministry by the Association of International Gospel Assemblies - AIGA and to the Apostleship under the auspices of the Fellowship of Bible Centered Ministries - Apostle Mark Jones, founder. She has been married to her husband Pastor Francis Philbert for 37 years. Their union has produced two sons and one grandson.
Her life verse is Philippians 3:14 – “I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”
Meet Our USA Leadership Team
Meet Our Global Leadership Team
"And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;
For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:
Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ..." Ephesians 4: 11-13
Find Your Place in Christian Global
God made you to share the Gospel with a world in need. But finding your place in His great plan isn’t always easy, and you shouldn’t have to do it alone.
At GGM, we don’t believe in one-size-fits-all missionary roles. Our missionaries are artists, doctors, pastors, teachers, baristas, farmers and just about anything else you can imagine. Your personal missions coach will help you explore your passions and find opportunities where you can thrive. And that’s just the beginning.
Once you get started, we give you tools and personal guidance to raise support, and throughout your missionary career, we offer continued training, coaching, financial guidance, medical support and much more.
If God is calling you to Christian missions, we can get you there. We’ll be with you every step of the way.
Additional ways to sow into our Global Missions programs:
ZELLE: 813.654.2656
Garden of Grace Ministries is recognized by the IRS as a 501 C 3 entity. All donations are tax deductible.